Feedback from our families
"Phone calls have been a good point of contact, nice to have a chat."
"Still being in contact with friends." "Having contact with people from outside the family."
"Calls help to touch base with someone and talk." "Yes it has kept us in touch with other people."
"Know another point of contact if things get difficult." "Keeps me occupied."
"Made lock down a bit more fun." "Nice to chat and touch base with someone who understands."
"Play packs were fun." "Can speak to friends and see people in zoom."
"Something to look forward to." "The walks have gotten me out of the house."
"Some structure
to my day." "Gives me confidence and it is fun."
"Can still keep in touch with
"Given her something
to look forward too." "Some
routine in the day."
"They have kept
me entertained and less bored."
"Phone support
has been helpful for all the family."
"If he wanted to interact he has the option to, he can chose to engage or not, the walks were a nice break for them as well, fresh air and to interact with friends is important. It is nice to have the support online and on the phone."
".... fun and to be able to release stress and to join in on sessions when I wanted."
"She has enjoyed
sessions, special interest to her and gaming she has truly enjoyed and looked
forward to sessions, it gave her happiness it gave her. Kept things more
normal, talking to people helped a lot."
"Something to do
and focus on, every week, routine, regular for her when things are all over the
shop. focused family, contact and someone to talk to when feeling