Registered Charity No. 1062152 Company Limited by Guarantee No. 3258423
Registered Charity No. 1062152 Company Limited by Guarantee No. 3258423
"We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing."
(George Bernard Shaw)
All children and young people with additional supports needs including those due to disability and neurodiversity, have access to quality play, leisure and social activities that are inclusive and fun.
Mission statement
To provide a variety of inclusive play, leisure and social opportunities that promote health, wellbeing, emotional resilience and enable children and young people to achieve their full potential.
· by developing projects that meet the needs of children and young people who require additional support and face barriers to play, leisure and social opportunities.
· By ensuring that staff recruitment, training and development enables Interplay to provide, play, leisure and social opportunities that are both Person Centred and exemplary.
· by offering guidance and advice on integrated and adaptive play to other organisations and individuals; and provide specialist support in existing mainstream play, leisure and social opportunities.
We believe in
· The Right of all children and young people to be treated as an individual and with respect.
· The Right of all children and young people to have Equality
· Working collaboratively with children and young people
· Integrity in all the services we provide for children and young people
· The encouragement of all children and young people to fulfil their potential
Interplay being interviewed by POBl in 2021